Tuesday, August 18, 2009



  1. Damnit Keaton! Every picture of you I have seen the past few years you have been wearing your mcbomb shirt....and the one time you get to have your picture taken with Ronald, and look at what your wearing......I'm disappointed.

  2. True. Mcbomb shirt was needed. Also you spell his name wrong everytime. it's Keeton. now you know, and knowing is half the battle. and knowledge is power, and only you can prevent forest fires.

  3. well damnit, if your parents had spelled it right in the first place then I wouldn't have to spell it wrong every time. And if Keeeeeeeton would get his lazy ass on this blog then I would have know. I think i've already sent that fool like two invitations.

  4. if we ever see that he's in town we're gonna get pictures with him and the shirt

  5. Man I am five times the size of Ronald. And he eats Mc Dee's every day. I need Jenny Craig.
